Protect your Money Now

Protect Your  Money Now! 
How to Build  
Multi-Generational Wealth  Outside of Wall Street and  Avoid the Coming Banking  Meltdown 
Charles DeLadurantey
Protect Your Money Now! 
Created with: 
90-Minute Books 
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Winter Haven, FL 33884 
Copyright © 2023, Charles DeLadurantey 
Published in the United States of America 
Book ID: 230518-02324.3 
LSID 2370001740860 
No parts of this publication may be reproduced without correct attribution to the author of this book.  
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Here’s What’s Inside… 
Chapter One 
Why This Book Is For Everyone..........................9 
Chapter Two 
Everyone Is In the Banking Business.............22 
Chapter Three 
The Origins of Insurance and a  
Brief History of Life Insurance.........................37 
Chapter Four 
“Playing Around” In the Stock 
Market – A Fool’s Errand....................................50 
Chapter Five 
IBC – Advantages and How to 
Get Started...............................................................54 
Chapter Six 
How to “Find the Money” and 
Build Your Banking System...............................62 
Chapter Seven 
Will There Be a Run On the Banks? ................66 
Chapter Eight 
This Is the Reality of Most Americans ...........69
Simple But Not Easy, the Way Forward for  You and Your Money 
After reading this book and comprehending its  basic concepts, I hope you will be encouraged  to begin to think and act differently. If you do  
not act, then you did not understand the book  and the life lessons from me and many others. If  you don’t act, read this book again until a new  way of thinking is born into your mind and  moves you to a new way of acting with your  money. If you understand the information contained in the book, you will know what to  do with your money for the rest of your life. 
If I were to summarize the concepts described in this book in the most simple and straightforward way, it would be this:
Change your thinking, and then 
your behavior from: 
Earn – Spend – Save 
Earn – Save to Build Capital – Spend 
Like I said already: Simple But Not Easy 
If you begin repeating this back to yourself and  apply your imagination and creativity through  deliberate actions, the results will change your  financial life for the better. 
If, like me, you are tired of the continual economic boom-bust cycles, take a moment to stop and read this book. There is hope; it was always there, hidden in plain sight. The “banking crisis” going on while I write this book in 2023 is nothing new.
The economic myth and malfeasance of a central banking system have hundreds of years of history of failures and rebirth, only to fail again. 
Growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, I was always amazed by how people seemed to work their whole lives and die poor.
My grandparents never owned a home and lived paycheck to paycheck and struggled to make ends meet. My parents, while they managed to purchase a home with the help of a mortgage and the VHA (Veterans Housing Administration), eventually lost it due to a divorce and bankruptcy.  Witnessing their financial struggles left a strong impression on me, and I became determined not to end up like my parents and grandparents.  This determination led me to work incredibly hard and focus on my studies, all in pursuit of a financially stable future. 
Over the years, I poured my energy into my career, climbing the corporate ladder and working tirelessly to provide for my family.  However, in my mid-sixties, I still found myself wondering how I would ever retire.
I was still working and still in debt. My only significant asset was my home, which still had a mortgage to pay off. This realization shook me to the core, and I began to question what I had been doing wrong all these years. 
It was then that I remembered a man who had come into my life 20 years earlier and introduced me to the concept of building up substantial amounts of capital inside a whole life insurance policy. This man, a devout Christian, believed that the key to financial security and leaving a legacy for one's family lay in the power of whole life insurance.
This concept stuck in my mind for 20 years, but  unfortunately, I never acted upon it. 
Instead, I made a series of choices that, while  well-intentioned, only served to further entrench  me in financial uncertainty. I invested in a  vacation home for my family, thinking it would  be a fun and valuable asset to pass down to our  children.
But the reality of maintaining this property soon became a significant burden on my cash flow. The vacation rental market provided some relief, but it was not enough to break even. Then, when the housing market crash of 2008 struck, I was forced to sell the property to stay afloat. 
After a long downturn in my business, I had to go back to work as a middle executive in several larger corporations. This career shift was a considerable blow to my entrepreneurial spirit, and I found myself longing for the freedom and control I once had over my financial destiny. 
Then, in 2019, my mind brought back the concept of saving capital or cash into a properly structured whole life insurance policy. I was sure it was divine intervention that led me to rediscover the teachings of R. Nelson Nash, a godly Christian man who overcame his financial crisis in the 1980s by using the cash value of several life insurance policies. 
Nash's realization, which he called the Infinite Banking Concept, was that by using the cash value of his whole life insurance policies, he could pay off his mortgage loans and capture the interest into his own "banking system." This innovative idea hinged on the power of uninterrupted compound interest, which can accumulate wealth over time and provide a stable financial foundation for individuals and families. 
As I delved deeper into the concept of Infinite Banking, I began to understand its potential to help me achieve financial stability and independence. I decided to take action, purchasing a whole life insurance policy and starting to accumulate cash value within it.
Over time, I used the cash value to support my entrepreneurial ventures and to pass along enough tax-free cash to my heirs so they could direct those funds to pay off any remaining mortgage on my home. 
After only three years, I would call the results nothing short of miraculous. For the first time in my life, I felt in control of my finances, no longer shackled by the burden of debt and interest payments.
I was able to rest. comfortably, knowing that my family would be taken care of in the event of my death, thanks to the death benefit provided by my whole life insurance policy.
Moreover, the cash value within the policy continued to grow, providing a reliable source of income and financial stability into my “retirement” years. As to the meaning of the word “retirement”, I will be writing more about this in the chapters that follow. Specifically, I will cover what the Bible does or does not say about retirement and the origins of retirement thinking in modern history.
Infinite Banking not only helped me overcome the financial struggles that plagued my family for generations but also taught me valuable lessons about money, wealth, and the power of taking control of one's financial destiny. It showed me that it is possible to break free from the cycle of debt and dependence on external financial institutions and, instead, build a strong foundation of wealth and security that can be passed down through generations. 
As a Christian, I firmly believe that God led me  to rediscover the teachings of R. Nelson Nash  and the Infinite Banking Concept. This belief is  reinforced by the fact that many of the  principles underlying Infinite Banking align  with biblical teachings on money, stewardship,  and the importance of leaving a legacy for one's  family. 
Proverbs 13:22 states, "A good man leaves an  inheritance to his children's children," emphasizing the importance of building wealth not just for oneself but for future generations.  Infinite Banking, with its focus on using whole life insurance policies as a means of accumulating wealth and providing financial security, embodies this principle of leaving a legacy. Similarly, the Bible teaches us that we should be good stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us.
The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 highlights the importance of diligently and wisely investing one's resources to grow wealth and serve God's purposes.  Echoing these biblical teachings on stewardship and financial responsibility, Infinite Banking encourages individuals to take control of their finances, invest in their own wealth, and avoid the pitfalls of debt and reliance on external financial institutions. 
My journey toward financial independence and stability was not an easy one. It took hard work,  determination, and the discovery of the Infinite  
Banking Concept for me to finally break free  from the cycle of debt and uncertainty that had plagued my family for generations.  
As I continue to share my journey and insights, I hope to inspire others to take control of their financial destiny. In the following chapters, we will delve deeper into the practical applications of this powerful financial strategy and explore how it can transform your life.

Chapter One 

Why This Book Is for Everyone 
The title of this chapter may seem a bit outlandish and full of hubris to you, so I will break it down into age groups below. 
Children Under Age 5 
Children at this age can learn about self-control,  delayed gratification, and how to obey those in  authority. Learning habits and understanding  how relationships work in the world of family,  church, and business pretty much sum up what  it takes to be a successful person. When the  understanding of these basics is empowered by  the light of God’s Word and led by the Spirit of  God, a person will live differently and will give  glory to the Creator with humility and respect  for others.
The fifth commandment states: “Honor thy  father and thy mother, that thy days may be  long upon the land which the Lord thy God  giveth thee.” 
I am a firm believer that if you train in the child  the main things and plain things before age five, that foundation will guide the rest of their path. 
Speaking with the particulars in mind about the information you will read later in this book, one must remember that the Bible does not say money itself is evil but rather that it is the love of money that we need to be cautious about.
Also, another concept to think about is the sense  that every life has an economic value.
Life is a gift from God. He does want us to apply our minds, skills, and talents in a world where converting such things into a monetary value is just part of human action and the resulting economic effects that will occur. God’s design is for the family to be at the core of any culture.  When that culture places the Creator at the center of family life and Christian community through church life, the benefits extend to all who connect to the core. Family government and planning can extend to the culture of one’s time in His plan and into future generations.
I challenge the reader to ask, “Is there a method with Orthodoxy that can be learned, practiced, and passed on that avoids the pitfalls and temptations of the modern-day stock market and get-rich-quick schemes by which a family can be guaranteed too proper unto many.  
You see, most parents and grandparents invest many days of their lives directly into their children and grandchildren. It is a supernatural gift from God for parents and grandparents to want to leave of legacy of prosperity unto future generations. Later in this book, you will be reading about the concept and history of insurance and then, particularly, life insurance. 
Using the language of insurance, parents and grandparents have an “insurable interest” in the lives of these precious little ones and, as such, can purchase life insurance for them. When using certain methods and processes, they can utilize some of the premiums paid and eventually turn over the ownership and rights of the life insurance policy (a type of contract) to the children as they reach adulthood.
This can be a powerful way to build up a college fund or just help the young person to get into adult life without much debt. Additionally, this creates a super affordable premium due to the young age.
At which the policy was originally purchased and levering the money multiplying effect of how cash value will grow in later years of the policy when mom/dad and grandma/grandpa have passed away. 
Why the principles in this book (widely known as the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC)) apply to everyone: 
Children Aged 5 -13 
These children should be learning to become adults and learn about how money works and how our government and banking systems should work. If a child can begin to understand the IBC way of living now, the harvest will be great in the later years of adulthood.
Parents and grandparents can purchase additional or new life insurance for the lives of these young folks and, at some point, assign the ownership to them. Ownership can be assigned when they are teenagers or can wait until the insured child is older and hopefully more knowledgeable and wiser.
Character building would be a good focus for this group of budding adults. Money skills should also be trained and discussed around the dinner table at times. Learning how to estimate the time and materials for family projects is key to family unity within a framework of hard work.
Deuteronomy 6: 4 – 14 makes it very  clear what we are to do love and train our  children: 
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord, our God, is one  Lord: 
5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with  all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with  all thy might. 
6 And these words, which I command thee this  day, shall be in thine heart: 
7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy  children, and shalt talk of them when thou  sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by  the way, and when thou liest down, and when  thou risest up.
8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon  thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets  between thine eyes. 
9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of  thy house, and on thy gates. 
10 And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall  have brought thee into the land which he sware  unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to  Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities,  which thou buildedst not, 
11 And houses full of all good things, which  thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou  diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which  thou plantedst not, when thou shalt have eaten  and be full. 
13 Then beware lest thou forget the Lord, which  brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from  the house of bondage. 
14 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve  him, and shalt swear by his name.
I believe that you will not be able to own and apply the charge as defined by God in these verses by sending your children into the juggernaut of public education. You need to own the education of your children in every way. 
Instead of sending children to school to be programmed into socialists with a slave mindset, I suggest you home-educate your children. Teach these teens and young adults the bible and biblical concepts about money and wealth and all the cautions the bible offers, then charge them with nurturing and multiplying the resources given to them by God.  
Teens and Young Adults Aged 13 – 21.  
After the hard but infinitely important work up until this age group, you should have a platform for launching into family-based endeavors that will teach the skills of hard work, risk, and stewardship that will last a lifetime.
While other families are spending money for “education” without learning, you will be building an army of capable young people who can take on the cultural challenges while also “making tents” like the Apostle Paul. In fact, by starting entrepreneurial endeavors earlier, your family will surpass many and not be a slave to the lender.
The IBC way will have much to do with changing your future after you have established a powerful foundation, one that ties your family together and gives glory to God.
Unless one of your young people is uniquely called into a life  of celibacy (meaning God’s call for you is never to marry), the goal is also to prepare them for marriage and family life. They will be equipped with many ways to prosper and help others in the path ahead. 
Young Singles and Young Married Couples Aged 21 -30 
As you have prepared young people to avoid foolish lusts, to grow in truth through the Word of God, and to apply their skills in industrious and productive ways, the door of their future will open. Marriage among these biblically trained young adults should be enabled by strong connections in the world of work and business. Many times, family-to-family interactions facilitate the relationship building that leads parents to encourage marriages and get behind the new couple’s efforts to expand the multi-family Kingdom influence and outreach.
Though some may be called to full-time Christian ministry, many will need to see God’s calling in the world of work and business at all levels. The young couples will then  reproduce the cycle of nurture and economic prosperity with the leverage of a purposeful upbringing and the prayers of Godly parents and grandparents. 
People 30 to 50 Years of Age 
By this stage of life, if God will it to be, many will be ahead of their peers in terms of wealth creation and skill maturity. Many should be able to find new business opportunities and be innovators instead of followers.
Nothing in this life is without risk, but a good understanding of economics and money will go a long way to  direct energy, time, and resources to godly and  productive activities. Time management, an  undervalued behavior, will be driven by way of  thinking that evades those who are swept into  the ways of the world when it comes to  understanding money, time, the weight of debt,  and the power of continuously compounding  interest. 
If you or your children were blessed by the principles we will cover later in this book, by this age, the multiplication factor of wealth creation begins to facilitate a many-fold increase in available resources from the “crop” planted in the earlier years. 
People 50 -60 Years of Age 
This can be a powerful age group for setting the stage and guiding the next generation and adding fuel to the fire of those who will outlive them all the way back to grandchildren. If you were able to start early in your life, this is a time of preparing for the passing of many blessings and enjoying the time with eager learners. 
People 60 to 70 Years of Age 
If you have made it this far in your journey, the way forward is not about conventional thinking.  
It is not about retirement with golf, motorhome trips to anywhere at any time, and endless time at leisure.
The bible mentions nothing about retirement but much about purposeful living and spending your life for others. If you have the means to buy businesses or other investments to extend opportunities to your children and grandchildren, that is fabulous. If you don’t, that is fabulous too!
Why, you ask? Because God, the owner of the universe, has you right where he wants you. It is not about how many toys and things you have accumulated. It is about being transformed by the Spirit of God and being a transformer to those around you.
I did not change my financial path to IBC until I was 66 years old. I can tell you that it was still better later than never. I applied my learning through action, and now at age 70, my approach to money and my view of what is possible have been absolutely revolutionized. 
People Age 80 and Beyond 
I recently listened to an interview with a very wealthy person who said he knows many people who have not made their fortunes until after the  age of 80. Consider this information as posted by Investment News dated August 24, 2017, at controls-the-most-wealth-in-the-u-s-72049
“Sixty? That’s young — for a rich person.
Six of the 25 richest Americans are over 80, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.  Carl Icahn and Charles Koch, for example, are 81. Earlier this month, Sheldon Adelson turned 84, and George Soros hit 87. Warren Buffett, the fourth-richest person in the world, with a net worth of $77 billion, celebrates his 87th birthday next week. 
New data from the Internal Revenue Service show just how old the top millionaires and billionaires in the U.S. are. While people over  80 make up only 3.7 percent of the population, the IRS estimates they control a larger share of the nation’s top fortunes than people under 50. 
The wealthy have probably always been older than the general population. Despite the example of Mark Zuckerberg, the world’s fifth richest person, at 33, it usually takes a long time to amass great wealth. Still, the imbalance is striking. 
Every few years, the IRS analyzes the wealth of the richest Americans. Its Personal Wealth Study examines a rarefied group: people potentially subject to the estate tax. An estate tax is levied on individual fortunes of $5.5  million or more. 
The latest study, released this month and that estimates personal wealth in 2023, finds 584,000 Americans, or about 0.2 percent of the  U.S. population, have a combined net worth of  $6.9 trillion. People in their 80s and 90s control $1.2 trillion of that wealth. Adults under 50,  roughly 43 percent of the population, hold  barely $1 trillion. 
Wealthy people in their 80s have the highest  average net worth of any age bracket. One  reason is that octogenarians have less than half  the debt, as a percentage of their total assets,  than adults under 60.” 
Dear reader, it is not too late to change. Start by  finishing this book, and then take action on  what you have learned. I did, and I will never  regret it.
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Chapter Two 
Everyone Is In the Banking Business 
Who Controls the “Banking Function” in  Your Life? 
Most people do not think about the banking  process. You see, if you receive income or any  inflow of cash (capital) and you send those  funds back into the economic system through  purchases or investments, you are using a  banking process. Banking is a type of business. The question is, who controls the banking  function in your life and who owns that banking  system? Whether you are banking with a local  bank or one of the big six mega-banks  (JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup,  Wells Fargo, U. S. Bankcorp, PNC Financial  Services), you are giving over control of YOUR  banking system to those banks. 
The Golden Rule of banking is “he who  processes the ‘gold’ establishes the rules.” The  bad news is that if you understand the Golden  Rule of banking, you know that the banks you  do business with determine all the rules and 
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limitations for how your money is handled. Certainly, you know that if you want to borrow  money from your bank. To do so, you will have  to fill out a voluminous amount of paperwork  and undergo scrutiny by people and systems  that have their interests as #1, not yours. Have  you taken out a mortgage lately? Since the 2008  bust in our economy, the amount of paperwork  needed to secure a mortgage has increased  significantly, and it is just plain harder to  qualify for such loans. Beyond the challenges of  dealing with the entity that controls your  banking system, when you take a loan from a  bank, the money to fund your loan comes from  the banks’ ability to leverage their deposits  through essentially a pyramid (think Ponzi  scheme) process known as fractional reserve  banking. 
Fractional Reserve Banking – Not Your  Friend 
Fractional reserve banking is a system in which  only a fraction of bank deposits is required to be  available for withdrawal. Banks only need to  keep a specific amount of cash on hand and can  create loans from the money you deposit.  Fractional reserves work to expand the 
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economy and the money supply. It is the  equivalent of making money out of thin air.  Today, most economies' financial systems use  fractional reserve banking, yet this does not  make it a good thing. 
When you place money into your checking  account, it is known as a “demand deposit”. Your bank can use an amount specified as  
capital to fund loans and pay you a very small  amount, or nothing at all, for using your  money. For instance, say you deposited $5,000  into a checking account. Some checking  accounts may pay you some interest, subject to  a minimum running balance. If not, you will  pay checking account fees. Nice deal, huh? But  this is all an advantage for the bank, NOT FOR  YOU, the one who supplied the hard-earned  money in the first place. Note, “he who owns  the gold sets the rules” is at work here.  
The fractional reserve banking process creates  money out of thin air and stimulates the  economy with such “money”. When you  deposit that $5,000, your bank might lend 90%  of it to other customers, along with 90% from  five other customers' accounts. This creates  enough capital to finance $22,500 in loans. 
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Your balance still reflects $5,000, and the other  customers that the bank borrowed from also see  their balances remain unchanged. If all five  customers have account balances of $5,000, it  will look something like this:  
  • You and four other customers have  $5,000 each deposited in checking  
accounts that pay .0001% per year,  
basically nothing. 
  • If the bank can use 90% of its deposits  for loans, the available capital is  
$22,500 (90% of $25,000). 
  • A sixth customer asks for a loan of  $10,000. 
  • The bank borrows 40% from each of the  five accounts, totaling $10,000. 
  • There is still a balance of $5,000 in each  account ($25,000 total between the six  accounts). 
  • The bank essentially created $10,000. 
  • Today’s rates for unsecured loans (if  you could get one) may be as high as  15% or more.
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  • You receive interest payments of  0.0001% per year on your $5,000,  
which is basically zero return, and the  bank pockets the difference of  
14.9999% as profit. 
Well, to make matters even more unbalanced  and fraught with the pyramid-type schema,  during the alleged COVID pandemic, on March  26, 2020, the required reserve ratios against net  transaction deposits were reduced to 0% for all  banks. This essentially eliminates the reserve  requirements. This only serves to put your  deposit money at more risk and to tempt the  bankers to go wild with other people’s money. 
The foundation for our current banking system  resides in the creation and perpetuation of the  Federal Reserve Banking System. The Federal  Reserve Banking System (commonly referred to  as the “Fed”) is the product of financial elites  (Morgan, Rockefeller, and Loeb, to name a few)  from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that  enables a centralized banking system to inflate  the money supply without consequence for  themselves and with the possibility of tragic  outcomes for the depositors. In short, the Fed is  a government-sanctioned cartel. Sadly, the  move to create the Federal Reserve System was 
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fueled by many intellectuals of the time who  helped create the Fed monster. In plain  language, the “old money” elites nourished the  egos of the intellectuals by seducing them into a  partnership to create a system of privilege and  control over the money supply. The Fed is the  father of the condition of statism inherent in our  economy today. With a little research, one can  find that the goal of these money elites was to  transform the economy from laissez-faire (an  economic theory from the 18th century that  opposed any government intervention in  business affairs) to a centralized, coordinated  statism. This model, allegedly for the benefit of  all Americans, has been staffed historically by  intellectuals and technocratic socialists (or  worse, communists), controlled by large  corporations, and enabled by strong labor  unions fostering a slavish-minded workforce.  Think about this. The system does not advocate  for you when you sign over your money to  them. 
Pay Me Now, or Pay Me Later! 
When you sacrifice your cash to the traditional  banking system, you are giving up control of  your money and, at the same time, giving up 
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other opportunities to earn money on your  money. Creating your own private banking  system gives you control and enables you to  earn uninterrupted compounding interest on  your money for your life and beyond (if set up  for multi-generational wealth building). 
The Power of Continuously Compounding  Interest  
One of the largest holders of the mechanism  used to create continuously compounding  interest is banks. Let me challenge your  thinking a bit with what I call “My Two Cents”. If I offered the choice between receiving 2  million dollars today versus a guaranteed  promise that I will pay you 2 cents today and  double it by two times every day for the next 30  days, which one would you choose? Like most  people, you might jump on the 2 million bucks  and walk away. But do you have any idea how  much money you “left on the table” by not  choosing the “My Two Cents” path? If you do  some quick math and double two cents every  day for 30 consecutive days (remember, continuously compounding interest is the goal),  at the end of 30 days, you will have over 10  million dollars! Now, speaking realistically, 
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there is little to no method for doubling any  amount of money every day (unless you are  Sam Bankman Fried using a Ponzi scheme with  Crypto). The point is that even a relatively  small amount of money put to work for you  over a longer period supported by a system of  continuously compounding interest (at even  modest rates) is VERY powerful to build  wealth. This is what a private banking system  can do for you and your family and for future  generations. 
Why Didn’t I Know About This? 
The concept of privatized banking comes from  the work of R. Nelson Nash. Mr. Nash basically  had an epiphany of sorts that came out of a  financial crisis in his life when, in the 1980s, he  found himself swimming in high-interest debt  related to his real estate investments and cried  out to God to show Nelson a way out. The  answer came to Mr. Nash to borrow against his  existing whole life cash values at a lower  interest rate to pay off the bank loans for the  real estate. This approach eventually became  known as the Infinite Banking Concept or IBC. The title of the concept includes the word  infinite because Nelson Nash concluded that the 
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uses for this approach were literally infinite and  only limited by your imagination. Nash also  stressed the IBC is also founded upon reason,  logic, and the biblical principles about money  and wealth accumulation. Why haven’t you  heard about this? Well, IBC is basically  counter-cultural, and you will not find many, if  any, financial advisors that will know about it  and not many will understand its power. You  see, licensed financial advisors are trained by  the system that Wall Street put in place, and  they will only know how to do what they have  been trained to do. They are not thinking  outside the box of traditional (and risky) stock  market investing. Did you know that over the  last 20 years that a private banking policy  outearned the stock market returns and included  the advantage of having control and access to  the money without penalties and fees?  Additionally, it included a substantial death  benefit. While the Wall Street madness of  boom-bust cycles repeats itself (and if you bail  out of the market at the wrong time, you will  never recover your lost money) while the IBC  practitioners just keep making money  (guaranteed) every day, every week, every  month and every year.
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What are the Keys to Understanding and  Using the Infinite Banking Concept? 
  1. You must destroy your short-term  thinking. You must think long-term. 
Remember, money that flows into your  life and mine only has two sources – 
money for which you work and money  that goes to work for you. 
  1. It is unlikely that families today will get  by well without having both spouses  work unless you find a way to get your  money working for you, continuously  without risk of loss, and IBC does  
precisely that. 
  1. You must understand that without IBC, you will give up all of your money to the  pervasive banking system that you do not  control and which will use your money  without paying you a dime. Additionally,  when you need money, the bankers will  determine if you get money or not. 
  2. Think about it like this, the best way to  enjoy shade 20 years from now is to  
plant a tree today. IBC will not only  
create “shade” but will also help for  
opportunities to find you that will 
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propagate even more trees and shade.  Eventually, IBC will foster an entire  forest that will last for generations to  come. 
  1. Pay attention to government programs  about money. Question the reality that, for the most part, the government today  creates a problem such as onerous  taxation and then turns around and  creates ways to avoid such taxation  (think 401(k), tax deductions, etc.). Today the government and the IRS code  have voluminous exceptions for every  type of person and financial status. Think  about this, do you see a warped system  of illegally taking your money and then  the sick patronizing of Uncle Sam  benevolently giving you a way out? 
  2. It cannot be overstated that you literally  finance everything you buy – you pay  interest to someone else or lose the  opportunity to earn more money from  your money somewhere else. No one  escapes this reality. You can capture  interest paid to others and the lost  opportunity of paying cash using IBC. Your money and mine must live 
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somewhere, and if you do not have  
access to your money or it is locked into  only hard assets and not readily liquid  (think about your personal residence  once it has been paid off), this is a big  problem. You will miss out on  
opportunities that will come your way  when you have capital at your disposal. 
  1. The proof of the power of IBC is that  many practitioners and life insurance  agents who sell IBC-type policies to  others is that they themselves cannot find  enough ways to buy more policies. 
Some people I know that are sold on IBC  have 10, 20, 30 and some over 60  
policies in force in their family, extended  family, and businesses. This is money in  motion, and these individuals and  
families are doing things with their  
money (in a responsible way) that they  never could imagine before  
implementing IBC. YES, this private  banking thing is that good! 
In summary, if you knew that you could set up a  banking system that you control and that later in  life, this system (properly structured and  funded/capitalized) would give you back every 
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dollar you put into the system – tax-free – How  much money would you want to put into this  system? 
Are You a “Spender”, an “Investor” or a  “Saver”? 
The Spender 
  • Views money as a means to buy “stuff”. Every purchase costs him interest 
The Borrower - Pays Up interest  to others. 
The Cash Buyer - Gives Up  
interest earned on cash.  
  • Neither the Cash Buyer nor the  
Borrower ever accumulates capital. 
The Investor 
  • Views money as a way to buy  
investments (i.e., he trades his money for  an investment that he hopes will go up in  value) 
  • Every investment exposes him to risk. Every gain costs him taxes.
34 Protect Your Money Now! 
The Saver that learns how to be a “Banker” – This is my goal for YOU! 
  • Views money as a means to make  money. 
  • Every purchase is an opportunity to  gain. 
  • Always keeps his money working. 
A word about our culture. Today we are so  conditioned to get instant stimulation from our  phones, our computers, and other media. Admit  it; you are addicted to stimulation. Well, the  “IBC way” is about long-term gratification.  You see your money grows and compound  EVERY DAY inside an IBC-type policy  structure, but you don’t have to have a “ping”  sent every day to tell you how much. That  would be somewhat maddening. Once you get  this concept and realize that if you stay the  course and do the work, you will be able to put  1 dollar into your policy (your private banking  container) and receive 2, 3 or more times that  dollar back in cash value once you have  deposited that premium payment. 
For now, I am asking you to read on and wait  for the IBC stuff to be explained. I am also  asking you to begin to suspend what you 
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thought you knew about money, the time value  of money, the stock market, and believe that  there are no legal get-rich-quick schemes out  there. There is an over 100-year-old process that  is sitting there waiting for you to wake up and  smell the money!
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Chapter Three 
The Origins of Insurance and a Brief  History of Life Insurance 
It could be said that insurance as a method of  addressing risk dates to the merchants of  Babylon, as early as 4000–3000 B.C. By the  1400s, things changed a bit, and there came  about something called Marine insurance came  about and is similar to what we know today as  property/casualty insurance or colloquially as  P&C insurance. 
Then in Ancient Rome, we see the advent of life  insurance that was used to cover burial costs. 
By the mid-1600s, fire insurance came on the  scene in response to the Great Fire of London.  Moving forward to the 1800s, we find the  creation of stock life insurance companies. Up  until the early part of the 1900s, there was little  insurance regulation compared to today, and it  was sort of the “wild west” in terms of how  rates for coverage were established. The life  insurance segment had its own challenges,
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including the inability to pay declared dividends  and inadequate reserve amounts (money held to  cover insured losses). Despite the many early  challenges for companies offering life  insurance, the life insurance industry grew to  become a highly respected part of the financial  services industry worldwide. 
According to S&P Global Market Intelligence,  the U.S. insurance industry’s net premiums  written in 2020 were $1.28 trillion, with  property-casualty (P/C) insurers getting 51  percent of the premiums and life insurers  getting 49 percent, respectively. 
The many uncertainties of the recent COVID-19  “pandemic” affected the life insurance industry.  Consumer survey data as conducted by Lincoln  
Financial Group found that more than 1/3 of  consumers said that life insurance “is more  important to own now due to the pandemic,  while a third also said they have or are planning  to purchase new or additional life insurance as a  result of the pandemic,” according to Stafford  Thompson, Jr., head of life product  
management for Lincoln. 
Experts in the Life Insurance industry expect  continued growth for the next several years.
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According to David Levenson, President and  CEO of LL Global, LIMRA and LOMA, the  rate of new life insurance applications post COVID is a good indicator of the future of life  insurance sales for 2021 and beyond. 
Differences Between Term Life Insurance  and Permanent Insurance 
Two of the most common types of life  insurance are term and whole life. Whole life is  a form of permanent life insurance that lasts as  long as you live (assuming you pay the policy’s  premiums). Whole life includes a cash value account that can act as a way to store and save  capital and then act as collateral for loans by the  policy owner for other uses and investments  (we call this the Living Benefit of Whole Life  Insurance policies, that is, you don’t have to die  to utilize the policy!). The cash value grows  tax-free over the policy’s existence. A  policyholder can withdraw cash value, but that  is not a desirable step for most people practicing  the Infinite Banking Concept. Term life  insurance, on the other hand, lasts only for a  certain number of years (the term) and does not  generate any cash value. 
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A Little More About Term Life Insurance 
Life insurance is a legal contract between an  insurance company (the insurer) and the  insurance policyholder (the insured). The  contractual aspects of an insurance contract  make it very different in how the policy owner  can act and what rights they have versus  holding cash in a brokerage account or a bank.  The insurer’s end of the contract is to promise  to pay a designated beneficiary a certain sum of  money upon the insured’s death (if the policy  premiums are paid according to the insurance  contract).  
Typically, term life insurance policies are  written for terms covering 10, 15, 20, or  30 years. 
People considering whether to purchase a term  life insurance policy often wonder what  happens when the policy term ends.  
Well, simply stated, your money is all gone =  gone to the Insurance Company. At the end of  the “Term”, the policyholder has ZERO death  
benefit coverage and ZERO cash value. Although there may be a way to renew the  policy, the cost of the same coverage will be 
40 Protect Your Money Now! 
considerably greater than what they paid when  getting the original policy “in force”. To  mitigate losing all the premiums paid, most  insurers will offer a “rider” to the policy (at  additional cost) that will guarantee a “return-of premium” at the end of the term. 
Additionally, if you want to maintain term life  insurance after your current policy terminates,  you have two choices:  
  1. Qualify and purchase a new term policy,  a more desirable option for young and  healthy people, especially if you are  raising a family and need income  
replacement assurance until the children  are grown. In these cases, a medical  
evaluation is typically required, and rates  will be higher if significant new health  challenges are present. 
  1. Purchase a “conversion rider “for your  current policy that will provide the  
option of converting your term policy  into a permanent insurance policy before  the term ends and do so without a  
medical exam.
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Can You “Cash Out” a Whole Life  Insurance Policy? 
One of the biggest benefits of a whole life  insurance policy is its potential for cash value.  A whole life policy accumulates value as you  pay premiums. Depending on the contractual  terms of surrendering your policy, you likely  can “cash it out” and receive some portion of  the premiums you paid into the policy, less  some fees. By “cashing out” the policy, you  will lose the guaranteed death benefits and, of  course, lose any annual dividend payments that  your policy was eligible to receive. 
I advise that you should avoid ever “cashing  out” a whole life policy before your death  unless it is for grave situations such as a 
terminal illness or incapacitation. Some whole  life policies include provisions to allow the use  of the death benefit due to life-ending illness,  other health issues or even the need for long term care (this would be via a Long-Term Care  (LTC) policy “rider” that is a great option  instead of buying a separate LTC policy). For  purposes of engaging in the IBC methodology,  you can avoid withdrawals and use the policy  loans and repay them over the course of your 
42 Protect Your Money Now! 
entire life based on the available cash value  amounts. Loans and withdrawals will reduce the  death benefit and cash surrender value of the policy. Failure to repay such a loan or  withdrawal may cause your policy to lapse and  end the coverage (hopefully in rare instances). The younger and healthier you are, the more  whole life insurance you can buy and keep and, in many cases, use it to build a “warehouse of  wealth”. Then this “warehouse of wealth” can  be used for policy loans to make other  investments, business ventures, college costs,  large purchases and extended “epic” vacations.  Your imagination is at work here. 
What is the difference Between Term Life &  Whole Life Insurance? 
Whole life insurance generally has higher  premiums than term life insurance policies.  Other differences must be considered when  choosing a policy, as well. The following  outlines the key benefits of term life insurance and whole life insurance and highlights their  key differences:
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Term Insurance 
  • Costs are usually lower than whole life  insurance rates.  
  • Policies are a set period; you get to  determine your length of coverage  
(usually from 10 to 30 years).  
  • Generally, getting a policy in place is a  simple process where you decide which  insurer to go with, the amount of  
coverage you need, and how long you  need it. 
Whole Life Insurance 
  • Did you know that only 2% of term life  policies wind up paying out a death  
benefit? So, who do you think the  
winner is here? 
  • Whole life insurance was not created by  the insurance providers but was  
  • We consider dividend-paying, whole  life insurance with a Mutual Insurance  Company as the KING of life insurance  methods. Term life is not even a Pawn  except for closing the potential for a gap  in financial conditions when you die.
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  • Once you have a whole life contract in  place, your premium payments will  
never go up. 
  • Whole life policy cash values grow on a  tax-deferred basis. Many policies even  pay dividends to policyholders, which  serve to raise the cash value and add to  the amount of the guaranteed death  
Is Term Life or Whole Life Insurance  Better? 
Most insurance professionals will say that your  decision about whether to go with a term life  policy or a whole life insurance policy will  depend on your life stage, your budget, and  your financial goals. I believe that the private  banking (IBC) mindset should be the goal for  almost everyone. Surprised, huh? Well, the  dividend-paying, whole life contract with a  mutual insurance company is a jewel hidden in  plain sight. 
Like I said in the introduction to this book, the  private banking /IBC methodology is “simple  but not easy” to create and maintain for people 
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who are not savers but tend to be spenders or  “investors”. 
Often, younger people — even those in their  20s — decide to go with a whole life policy  because they can lock in a low policy premium  rate for their entire life with a policy that will  build cash value over time.  
Later in life, they can leverage that cash value  to borrow money to meet financial needs like  paying off a mortgage, taking care of medical  
expenses, caring for elderly parents, or  providing a safety net for potential financial  issues. 
Seniors getting ready for retirement might also  find a whole life policy attractive as an estate  planning tool. They might opt for a lower  benefit so their premium is lower, but they still  get an adequate coverage amount to ensure their  final expenses will be taken care of after their  passing.  
If you only need coverage for a specific period  in your life — maybe you want to make sure  your child’s college tuition is covered in the  event of your death — you can purchase a  policy to last long enough to see them through 
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graduation. You can take advantage of the  lower rates that come with term coverage.  
Term-length policies are also a great alternative  for people who want the peace of mind of  knowing that their loved ones are looked after  without the extensive health screenings often  required to obtain a whole life policy at lower  whole life premiums. 
Why Dave Ramsey and Suzie Orman Get It  Wrong on Life Insurance 
What is meant by getting a “dividend-paying  whole life insurance with a Mutual Insurance  Company”? 
  1. Nelson Nash determined that the best  financial tool for Infinite Banking is whole life  insurance. Infinite Banking is NOT whole life  insurance. But the Infinite Banking Concept  works best when the banker—you—utilize  properly structured whole life insurance as your  bank. 
Using whole life insurance as a financial tool  for building wealth wasn’t a new concept in the  1980s. Business giants like John Rockefeller made and kept their fortunes using whole life 
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insurance and used their insurance policies to  pass on wealth to future generations. Did you  know that banks are one of the largest owners  of whole life insurance (known as Bank Owned  
Life Insurance (BOLI)? Also, other large  companies hold millions of dollars in whole life  insurance to help fund business expenses and  earn favorable tax advantages.  
Amazingly, at one time, a major business  education college had a course in their  curriculum about how to use the cash value of  insurance policies to fund business expenses,  entrepreneurial ventures, investment  opportunities, get out of debt, purchase real  estate, and more. At the time Mr. Nash created  the Infinite Banking Concept, the idea of using  policy loans as an alternative to banks and  privatizing the family banking processes and  building wealth was a restatement of the  process used by the super wealthy. The name  “Infinite Banking” was Nash’s way of  marketing the concept to his clients, putting a  fresh face on a tried-and-true process. 
Essentially your “bank” consists of a portion of  premiums paid (money from you) + guaranteed 
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interest earned + potential dividends (money  from your insurance company). 
Instead of storing your savings in a traditional  bank account with minimal returns, you save  inside of your dividend-paying whole life  insurance policy, where it grows tax-free with a  higher rate of return. 
If you “buy term and invest the rest” as advised  by “gurus” like Dave Ramsey and Suzie Orman,  the data does not support your likelihood of  success in making money. Dividend-paying  whole life guarantees success when properly  structured with a Mutual Insurance Company  with regular and timely payments of premiums  based upon the structure of the policy.
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Chapter Four 
“Playing Around” In the Stock Market – A Fool’s Errand 
One of my favorite authors in the financial  space is Barry James Dyke. Mr. Dyke is a best selling author, advisor, and speaker. He is  committed to telling the truth about how Wall  Street is an insider’s game, and you and I are  the puppets under the spell of the puppeteers. Barry believes that today’s financial service and  retirement planning systems serve the powerful  few of Wall Street, the government, the media,  Ivy League academia, and giant asset managers. I highly recommend you read Barry’s best selling books “The Pirates of Manhattan” and  the sequel “The Pirates of Manhattan II:  Highway to Serfdom”. His most recent work,  “Guaranteed Income: A Risk-Free Guide to  Retirement”, is a dissertation on how The  Federal Reserve System, major banks, and  mega-corporations utilize whole life insurance  and annuity products to finance their corporate  and executive retirement programs. Meanwhile,
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most Americans remain at risk with their money  in a prison of 401(k) programs and other  government-sponsored traps that prevent them  from taking over the banking function of their  lives. Rather than putting dollars today to work  for them, they wait for when those same dollars  are worth less and subject to the prerogative of  the government’s taxation policies of the future  (called “theft”) and sometimes are funded with  highly speculative actively-traded mutual funds. 
“Take it to the bank” (your own banking  system), and the stock market is all rigged for  supporting a few insiders at the expense of  others – you and me. 
Stock Market Performance 2000 – 2023 
How much does it take to recover my 401(k)  losses? 
Here’s some easy math:  
If you have $100,000 in your 401(k) and the  market falls by 40%, you will have $60,000 left,  correct?
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Well, what will it take to get back to where you  started? Some “backward” math will help here. 
$60,000 time XX % gain = $100,000, divide the  left side of the equation into the right side of the  equation - $100,000 divided by $60,000 = 1.66  or it will take a 66% gain to recover your 40%  loss. 
Do the math - $60,000 x 1.66 = $100,000, and  that is ONLY getting back the money you lost. 
How can you ever get ahead? 
Do you think that within one year, you could  get a 66% gain? Not likely. 
You would have to get that 66% gain over  many years and even more to make up for  inflation, not to mention the loss of opportunity  that money would have given you to participate  in other ventures.  
Maybe this will help you understand the pattern  of the boom-bust cycles of the stock market and  don’t miss the coming problems due to the  “baby bust” and how it will affect the social  programs in our country:
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Chapter Five 
IBC – Advantages and How to Get  Started 
What Are the Advantages of Infinite  Banking? 
Infinite Banking is not a rapid money-making  scheme. Infinite Banking, in its truest form, is  control over your money and the elimination of  unnecessary money leaks from your personal  economy so that you can utilize your money to grow and increase your assets. 
Infinite Banking requires you to take  responsibility for your financial future, and for  the goal-oriented individual, it can be one of the  best financial tools you’ll ever find. Here are  the advantages of Infinite Banking: 
What is a Mutual versus a Stock Life  Insurance Company? 
A mutual insurance company is an insurance  company that is owned by policyholders. 
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You are starting a new business when you get a  whole life policy in place with a Mutual  Insurance company and share in the profits of  the new business via dividends paid (most  Mutual Insurance companies have paid  dividends every year for over 100 years, even  through the worst bank crashes, economic bust  cycles, and even during the Great Depression). Mutual insurance companies make investments  in portfolios like mutual funds, high-quality  commercial real estate, high-quality bonds, and  other stable investments, with profits returned  to members as dividends or a reduction in  premiums. 
What are the advantages of the IBC-type  Whole Life Policies?  
Infinite Banking depends on your understanding  of cash flow and how to use the special design  parameters of the whole life policy and its cash  value features and functions. The hope is to  eventually reach a level of cash value whereby  you no longer will have to go to traditional  banks and go through a mountain of paperwork 
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and credit scrutiny to use your own money. Policy loan access is easy and available from  most insurance companies electronically. By  comparison, whole life insurance is an  extremely liquid asset compared to other assets  like real estate, stocks, bonds, or qualified plans  like your 401(k) or IRA. 
Because of the liquid nature of whole life  insurance cash value, you can make it part of  your financial foundation, acting as your  emergency savings for paying large medical  bills, offsetting the cost of an unexpected  downturn in income through a job loss, paying  for costly home repairs; you name it. You can  also plan to use your insurance policy to pay  yourself an income if you decide to go on a  sabbatical, return to school, or take time off  work to care for loved ones. In many properly  structured whole life IBC-type policies, there  are provisions for significant access to funds for  life-altering and terminal illnesses and can be a  source for paying the costs of long-term care.
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Dividend-paying whole life insurance is very  low risk and offers the policyholder the  awesome power of control over their money. It  provides tax advantages and asset protection. 
Tax Advantages 
In addition to tax-free policy loans and tax-free  growth of interest and dividends inside your  whole life insurance policy, the death benefit of  a whole life policy is tax-free to your  beneficiary and often is exempt from estate  taxes as well. 
Asset Protection 
Whole life insurance is a contract between you  and your insurance company, and as such, it  includes protection from asset searches and  seizures, lawsuit judgments, and creditors. And  amazingly enough, any policy loans do not  count toward your credit score!
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Protection Against Volatility 
Whole life insurance policy cash values and  death benefits are not correlated with  fluctuation in the stock market. As long as you  keep the policy in place (called In Force) by  maintaining scheduled premium payments, the  values within the policy are sound and safe. These policies provide a cushion against the  many variables in the “market” and the power  of guaranteed continuously compounding  interest is underestimated by many. 
The most diverse stock market holdings are far  more subject to volatility, and sometimes the  losses are never recovered. For whole life  insurance, if you pay premiums on time and  without interruption, your cash value grows  daily and will never decrease. 
The rate of return on your whole life insurance  policy, your death benefit, and premiums are all  guaranteed for whole life policies used for IBC.
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Unlike 401(k)s or IRAs, they will be taxed  when you die, whereas your death benefit from  whole life insurance can be passed on to your  beneficiary tax-free. 
Cash Flow 
Whole life insurance policies are paid for with  after-tax dollars, so unlike 401(k)s and other  retirement accounts, you don’t have to worry  about your future income tax rate. You can fund  your retirement with policy loans, and your  insurance company deducts the outstanding  loan from the death benefit after you pass away. 
Because IBC policies rely upon properly  structured whole life insurance, you can relax  and enjoy the fact that you won’t run out of  money in retirement because of bank failures  and stock market crashes. In fact, some  individuals opt out of 401(k)s or IRAs all  together and rely solely on the Infinite Banking  strategy for retirement.
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Infinite Banking with whole life insurance is a  proven method for building multi-generational  wealth, in part because the death benefit is tax free and generally not subject to estate taxes  
(although the hungry big government folks have  their eye on decreasing the “death tax”  threshold after 2025). 
However, today there are ways to protect large  estates through having your Infinite Banking  policy reside inside of an Irrevocable Life  Insurance Trust (ILIT). This allows the transfer  of significantly more wealth to future  generations tax-free. 
Infinite Banking is a proven concept for  growing and protecting wealth, but it’s not  mainstream. In fact, IBC is somewhat  counterintuitive, and it takes some stepping  back for deeper thinking and analysis to really  grasp the realities of this marvelous concept.  Above all, it will take understanding, courage,  creativity, and consistency to be a successful  self-banking person.
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For example, you must understand the  implications of not paying back policy loans  when loans are taken pre-retirement, which will  result in less wealth growth over the course of  your lifetime. 
Does Infinite Banking Really Work? 
The IBC strategy is proven to work and has  been used by families for hundreds of years.  Yet, the resulting benefits are dependent upon  how the tool is used and requires clearly  outlined goals to measure success. 
For the fastest growth and optimal benefits, it’s  recommended to pair dividend-paying whole  life insurance with supplemental insurance  called a Paid-Up Additions (known as PUAs – these are small incremental purchases of  additional life insurance death benefit and also  generate additional cash values in the policy). The PUAs also help increase the overall  dividend payments to the policyholder.
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Chapter Six 
How to “Find the Money” and Build  Your Banking System 
Step 1 
Write down every cash flow into and out of  your banking accounts. Look at your spending  habits and tell yourself the truth about how you  spend cash and use or misuse credit cards. 
Find a way to free up $500 or more per month  to dedicate to getting a high dividend-paying  whole life insurance policy with our  recommended mutual insurance companies that  are designed for the Private Banking process. 
Step 2 
Consider moving any monthly savings amounts  from government-based plans like 401(k)s and  IRAs to a whole life insurance premium and  begin building your private family banking  system.
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Step 3 
Begin to rethink everything you spend money  on and move more money into and, when  needed, out of your cash value inside the policy  through policy loans. Set up a regular monthly  payoff amount for each loan. 
Step 4  
Once you exhaust the amount of life insurance  that you can purchase for yourself, think about  adding more policies for your wife, children,  grandchildren, business partners, and anyone  who depends financially upon you. You can be  the owner of policies on others for which you  have what is technically called an “insurable  interest”. 
It is Not Too Late, Even if You are Over 70 Years Old 
I started my first banking policy at age 66 and, in four years, accumulated $200,000 in cash  value. If you are not healthy enough to be  insured, buy policies on those in which you  have an insurable interest.
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Where Did the Modern-Day Retirement Idea  Come From? 
In 1881 Otto von Bismarck, the conservative  minister president of Prussia, presented a  radical idea to the Reichstag: government-run  financial support for older members of society.  In other words, retirement. The idea was radical  because, back then, people simply did not retire.  
Von Bismarck was under pressure from  socialist opponents to do better for the people in  his country. He argued that "those who are  disabled from work by age and invalidity have a  well-grounded claim to care from the state.” The German government eventually created a  retirement system, which provided for citizens  over the age of 70—if they lived that. At that  time, 70 years old was the life expectancy in  Germany. So, whether there was a government  back retirement system or not, they know that  many people still worked until they died. 
By the 1920s, American industries were  stepping up to offer their employers various  forms of pension-type support after they  stopped working. In America, the pension age  became 65, and the rule of thumb of the day 
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was that by 60, a man had certainly done his  best work and should give way to the next  generation, as opposed to today, when a labor  shortage is keeping many Americans in the  workforce well past age 70. 
When Social Security was passed in the United  States in 1935, the official retirement age was  65. Life expectancy for American men was  around 58 at the time. However, after the Great  Depression came better medicine and  Americans started to live longer. By 1960, life  expectancy in America was almost 70 years.  Suddenly more people were living past the age  when they had permission to stop working and  the money to do it. Finally, they began to retire  in large numbers—to stop working, to embrace  leisure. For a few decades, older Americans  lived without working, enough that we've come  to expect that we should be able to retire, even  if that may no longer be financially possible for  many. Today, the Social Security  
Administration estimates that there are 38  million retired people in the United States  alone, and it is estimated that the funds for  
Social Security will run out in the 2030  timeframe.
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Chapter Seven 
Will There Be a Run on the Banks? 
It is all about “Bailouts”. In the book, The  Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward  Griffin, he explains the master plan. You see  this FED “thing”; it is all about control for the  powerful few and slavery to the rest of us. It is  essentially the fraud of all frauds, since 1913,  way more fraudulent to Americans than  COVID-19 because it underwrites things like  COVID “pandemics” with our money; taxpayer  money. The middle class it pillaged to keep the  power brokers stronger and the average man to  be more and more submissive, subservient,  confused, controlled, and destroyed  
economically. Bailouts lead to enormous wealth  transfers, increases in taxation, and the creation  of more and more fiat money. In the field of  economics, the Federal Reserve is apt to fall  into what is called a “moral hazard.” 
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If you allow someone to get away with  something, they’ll probably do it again, and if  they have power and influence, the ripple  effects to others are wide and repeatable.  Quantitative Easing (known as QE) is an  illusion of success, and the reality is that it hurts  people and destroys wealth. Bailing out the  banks is also an illusion because what is really  happening is that bailouts encourage risky  behavior. We have a long history of these  failures in banks and large corporations. In  recent history, we only need to think about  Chrysler Corporation, Enron, the bank crisis of  2008, and many others, notwithstanding the  run-on banks in 2023 that may continue for  some time. Most of these banks and the bankers  behind them will still make money, and most of  it will come from you and me, the taxpayer. In  the 2008 bank meltdown, spurred on by the  risky mortgage loans and other compound  financial instruments that were like heroin to  the Wall Street thieves, a phenomenon known  as the “Bernanke put” (after Fed Chairmen Ben  Bernanke) became the soup de jour for calming  everyone down. Yet it was simply fiat money  creation and restructuring of debt that was  passed along to the general public. The bankers 
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got richer, and we all paid for it. The Great  Recession was gradually “ended” by the Federal  Reserve printing more fiat money, dumping it  into the economy, and reducing interest rates to  historic lows (near zero percent). 
Dear reader, if you are not convinced by now of  the fragility and volatility of our financial  system and the lopsided nature of the power  held by so few, you are not taking me seriously. Once you even begin to remove yourself from  this monster (that has no compassion or  conscience) and set up your own private  banking system, your behavior will change, and  your hope will glisten. You will quickly realize  the power of the liquidity of your capital and  how opportunities will seek you out since you  have a sustainable and ever-growing warehouse  of capital. Capital is the lifeblood of any  economic system.
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Chapter Eight 
This Is the Reality of Most Americans 
In this section, the outcomes of applying the  “big idea” of the private banking approach are  purposely shown in conceptual-level graphics. I  believe that this is the best way to make a case  for the power of the IBC model (we call it  Private Family Banking). If you can get the big  picture, the how and how much questions  regarding how to get started become more  straightforward. Frankly, if through this book, I  cannot move you to gain an understanding that  will generate action on your part, then I have  failed to effectively deliver this life-changing  approach. I have failed to signify all the cash  flow that will come through your life and the  lives of your children, grandchildren and  beyond. 
The graphs on the following pages demonstrate  just how much money you are “leaving on the  table” by paying interest to others (almost 35%  on average!). Private Family Banking will 
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significantly multiply the money that you are  losing to interest paid to others and the  opportunity cost of paying cash for your  lifetime expenditures (versus earning compound  interest on that same money with Private  Family Banking). Just by adding the step of  directing your cash flow into your dividend paying whole life insurance policy designed for  banking with a mutual insurance company will  put and keep you on the wealth curve. The  “Before Private Family Banking” versus the  “After Private Family Banking” charts shows the dramatic difference that will be in your  favor - FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!
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After implementing the Private Family Banking  mindset and system, you begin moving all the  interest paid toward your bank instead of away  from you to the institutional bankers and  creditors. 
  • Are you ready to change your thinking  in order to change your financial  
trajectory starting right now? 
  • Are you ready to separate from the  insidious intrusion of the IRS that  
prevents you from growing continuously  compounding interest and not lose  
money to income taxes? 
  • Are you ready to separate from the  banking system cabal and place your  cash flow into your own privatized  
banking system? 
  • Are you ready to stay out of the stock  market madness and volatility and  
escape from the Wall Street insiders that  use you for their maximum profit?
Charles DeLadurantey 73 
If you are ready to change your mindset and  free yourself from what everybody else is doing  (and is NOT working) – Schedule an  appointment to begin your educational and  conversion process into this amazing mindset to  leverage for the rest of your life at the link  below: Sincerely, your personal coach and mentor, Chuck DeLadurantey 
Website: Email: Call me directly at 830-339-9472 
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